The Abyss: A Living Archive of Unwellness

brushed swirls of dark blue around a blue-black center with 3 small lights

from The Abyss tarot, art by Nguyen Khoi Nguyen

A place to speak into the Abyss

What does unwellness look and feel like for you?

dear elia shares what students have told me during my mental health tour and asks the reader to reflect on their own experiences of unwellness. I share a slice of this in an excerpt, “Touring the Abyss,” published in The Georgia Review. Here, I offer the question to you.

Before you start your own reflection, make it safe for yourself to write. Authorize yourself to be vulnerable. And if you feel comfortable, add your descriptions of unwellness to a living archive of collective unwellness. You may submit anonymously or with your name, and nothing will be shared out without your permission.

Thank you for your vulnerability and bravery.


DEAR ELIA Teaching Program